Contents. Overview This testreport is usually based on the softphone for Home windows, created. There can be also a Mac and Linux copy but they are usually not in the scope of this test. The Bria 3.x is certainly an new edition of the currently examined and qualified. Bria 3.x comes with fresh functions Iike SRTP, LDAP, DHCP próvisioning, hide own quantity, HD Video clip, USB HID assistance and extra language support. Innovaphone do not suggest linking the. The óf the Bria sóft-phone can be used just with restrictions.
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Certification Position The checks for this product have happen to be completed. Notice the section for even more details. Tests of this item has been finalized September 16th, 2010.
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Version Firmware Version: Bria launch 3.1.1 stamp 58571 innovaphone Firmware: V8 HF5 Test Setup Device Setup Tested feature Result Register Gadget w/o specific configuration (needs DHCP) No DHCP is usually default Yes DHCP yields timeserver and period displays properly Yes SNTP config offers TZ line for timézone/dst autoconfig Yés DHCP produces appropriate default entrance Yes Gadget supports magic registration (at the.g.